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Showing posts from November, 2017

Dogs Trust Must Increase Presence in Scotland Says Worker

Dogs Trust has must increase its presence in Scotland to help widen its appeal says employee at Glasgow branch.  Lloyd Rodman, assistant manager, speaking about his own shop in Tollcross Road said: ‘One thing that has to improve is more shops to share stock. We get about 50 bags a day and the shop is tiny.’  Rodman said: ‘The fact of the matter is if there were more dogs Trust shops in Scotland we could share stock. Sometimes we have stock here that we can’t sell…it has to go all the way down south which costs money. If there were more shops around here it would be easier to share, which means more proceeds to the company.’ Rodman said the charity, founded in 1891, should try market itself more to young people.  He said: ‘Charity shops have a pretty bad stigma for being junk shops for older consumers. I would have more young people in.’ Speaking about the practical steps the charity takes, he said: ‘Dogs Trust last year made £2.4M from charity s...