Councillor Thomas Kerr Labour has no one ‘cutting through’ in Scottish politics and no one knows what they stand for, according to a Tory councillor. Thomas Kerr, 21, a Tory councillor in the Glasgow Shettleston region said: “I would rather trust an SNP politician because I know what they stand for… The problem with Labour, and why they're in such a bad state right now in Scotland, is no one quite knows what they stand for. “Are they pro-union? Are they anti-union? Are they going to let yes campaigners become councillors? How many people have I met before in my life that say: ‘I don’t like your politics, but I know what you stand for.’ People like that as a principle.” Kerr accredited the reason for his party’s success to Labour, saying: “The reason why we are doing so well in Glasgow -and, in particular, Shettleston- is because of Frank McAveety and because of Labour, because they’ve been in charge for 40-odd years and people just fell out of love with them....